Extraction premiered on Netflix in April 2020 and quickly became one of the streaming service’s most-watched original films. Directed by Sam Hargrave and produced by the Russo brothers, the film follows Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth), a black ops mercenary tasked with rescuing the kidnapped son of an international crime lord. The movie was praised for its high-octane action scenes, particularly a 12-minute continuous shot that showcased Her Grave’s expertise in stunt coordination.
Building on the success of the first film, Extraction 2 was released in June 2023. This sequel saw Hemsworth reprising his role as Tyler Rake, who, despite the odds, survived his near-fatal wounds from the first movie. The plot centers around another high-stakes rescue mission, delivering even more intense action and deeper character development. The film further cemented the franchise’s reputation for delivering top-tier action entertainment and leaving fans wanting more.
During an interview at San Diego Comic-Con, Hemsworth provided some exciting updates about the highly anticipated Extraction 3. Speaking with Collider’s Taylor Gates on the event’s red carpet, Hemsworth shared insights into the film’s development process and what fans can look forward to. When asked about where Extraction 3 stands, Hemsworth revealed:
“We’re in the middle of putting it together now, and writing it, and just trying to crack the story.”
Hemsworth highlighted the importance of teamwork in the Extraction series, praising the synergy between himself, director Sam Hargrave, producers Joe and Anthony Russo, and Netflix. “Each time there’s been such a great collective collaboration between myself, Sam, the Russos, Netflix in expanding that universe and bringing that courage in life,” he said.
Chris Hemsworth is Proud of the ‘Extraction’ Series
A key focus for the team is ensuring that Extraction 3 lives up to the high standards set by its predecessors. Hemsworth emphasized, “We just wanna make sure that we have it right, and that we have a script that is good enough basically to follow the last two, because I’m really proud of what we’ve done previously, and hopefully we can do it again.”
Despite the challenges, Hemsworth described the creative process as highly rewarding. “It’s exciting, in the early stages of putting it all together. It’s a fun process.” While Hemsworth didn’t provide a specific release date for Extraction 3, his update indicates that the project is well underway. With the combined creative forces of Hemsworth, Hargrave, the Russos, and Netflix, fans can expect another thrilling chapter in the Extraction series.
Stay tuned to Collider for more updates and behind-the-scenes insights as Extraction 3 continues its journey from script to screen.