The entire Marvel fraternity has been left shocked and heartbroken due to the unfortunate demise of Ray Chan, the art director in the production design department. He has collaborated with the Marvel Studios on several projects including the highly anticipated upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine.
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds have also mourned the loss of Chan on their social media.
Deadpool & Wolverine [Credit: Walt Disney Pictures]Deadpool & Wolverine, the only Marvel theatrical release this year and a gorefest including multiple cameos, has generated insane hype in the fandom.
Hugh Jackman claimed that Ray Chan made an immense contribution to the fabulous world-building of the Shawn Levy directorial.
Ryan Reynolds also penned an emotional tribute where he could not stop praising Chan’s creations.
Hugh Jackman feels honored to have worked with Ray Chan
Hugh Jackman in Deadpool & Wolverine